Infant Oral Exams

Even though Dr. Johnson acknowledges that the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry suggests that infants come in for their first oral exam sometime between the ages of six and twelve months, it is always difficult (not impossible) to complete such exams on little ones.  Regardless, we never mind seeing our youngest patients, and recognize that many of these exams evolve naturally into dental counseling sessions for parents, who often come in with a laundry list of questions.  Our hygienists are exceptional in this regard, and provide excellent coaching tips, along with things to watch for.  Infants and toddlers are really a “mixed bag,” and as Dr. Johnson has said for years, “Sometimes a three-year-old will act like their ten.  Unfortunately, sometimes we get ten-year-olds who act like they’re three!”  So, for as much as we’d love for there to be a general rule for when we start seeing young patients, there isn’t.  Regardless, we treat these patients in a patient-by-patient manner, in hopes of winning their trust during their “Happy Visits.”